When you purchase flowers from us your dollars maintain healthy ecosystems, build soil biology, sequester carbon, and create climate resilience.
Locally Grown not Flown
80% of the flowers you find in grocery stores and retail shops are flown in from other countries, fumigated at the border, and shipped cross country to their final destination.
We are local Michigan producers of amazing stems, which means you enjoy premium, fresh flowers and reduce your carbon footprint all in one purchase.
Family Owned and Operated
We are 6th generation stewards of our land. We love this space and are committed to the health of our environment and the surrounding community.
Regenerative Farming
We not only practice sustainable, “do no harm” farming methods, we actively work to improve our land. We use holistic measures to ensure organic matter and biodiversity in our soil. We are establishing prairie pollinator habitat and planting native trees and shrubs across our acreage. These practices build healthy ecosystems, and naturally sequester carbon emissions.
Chemical Free
Our flowers are grown naturally without the use of toxic chemicals or pesticides.
Zero Waste Packaging
We use compostable, recycled material for our bouquets and arrangements. We don’t use any plastic or foam in our consumer packaging, except for our buckets which we reuse.