Birdsong Flower Fields is a Michigan farm nestled in a scenic valley near the shores of Lake Huron. This farm has been in the stewardship of my family for six generations. On this property, my father taught me to walk in the woods with “quiet feet,” and my mom instilled my love for birds. As we walked the fields planted by my grandfather, she would name the songs of birds along the way. Meadowlark. Indigo bunting. Barn Swallow. Bobolink. One of my favorite songs began during the crepuscular hours, when the Eastern Whip-poor-Will chanted his name at the edge of forest and meadow. We would sit on the farm porch, watch the darkness reveal the stars, and listen to the Whip-Poor-Will steadily sing into the night sky.
Sadly, in the last few years that song has gone quiet, as well as the sounds of many other beloved birds in decline as critical grass and prairie habitat have disappeared throughout our country. Birdsong Flower Farm was born in large part to help our bird population. A portion of the income from our business goes toward repurposing land under heavy monoculture production into native, mixed grass prairie land. Our goal is to turn 200 acres into a healthy, living ecosystem that supports a diversity of life.
Six acres blossomed into a small scale, high intensity flower farm that uses regenerative, chemical free methods to produce gorgeous, specialty cut flowers. We work alongside a diverse crew, including American goldfinches, monarch butterflies and eastern grey tree frogs, and are committed to keeping their surroundings healthy and vibrant. When you buy flowers from us you are ensured gorgeous, fragrant, organic blooms, grown with love and the utmost care for our land.